Thursday, October 9, 2008

One World Money

I shared a message with our congregation last night about how close we are to having a one world monetary system. The message I shared was from the Book of Micah. Of course Micah was a prophet who pronounced God's impending judgment upon both northern kingdom (Israel) and southern kingdom (Judah) prior to their destruction and captivity. But Micah's prophetic voice was not limited to that day. In fact he spoke about a coming Deliverer in the "last days."
Long story short, that Deliverer came to Bethlehem as the Prince of Peace. He was ultimately rejected by Israel, crucified on a Roman cross, but resurrected in great power by the Spirit of God. In Revelation, John saw Him in splendor and glory and the Lord gave him a message that we need to heed.
That message is that coming to the world seen one of these days ( which I believe is closer than we know) the stage will be set for a "one world ruler" who will be known in scripture as the anti-Christ. He will set up that one world system.
We used to laugh at the notion that we could be pulled into that but look at what is happening on the world scene today. The dollar is shrinking at an alarming rate. The global world markets and financial institutions are in dire straights. All it would take is for the large countries like China, who holds trillions of our greenback dollars to simply dump them and it would shake the world.
Since 1969, the idea of a common monetary system has been quietly batted around in financial circles and in presentations given at the Federal Reserve conferences.
But do not think that this is somehow a doom and gloom message. It's not, nor should it be because that means that the return of Jesus Christ is so so... close. And that means the eventual rule and reign of Christ as Micah predicted 712 years before Jesus was ever born. PTL!


Lori Eilers said...

It was an awesome message! Thanks for always speaking what God lays on your heart. People assume that pastors always do that but it just isn't so. I didn't feel gloom or doom at all....just excitement that Jesus is coming soon and Biblical prophesy is being fullfilled right and left.

Unknown said...

Pator T---that is what I miss of you most. You ALWAYS have an AWESOME message. Thanks for being the BLESSING to me that you were and always will be.
WE miss you.
